Anatomy of the Human Brain: Essentiality of More In-depth Studies

Scientific studies about the human brain should presuppose a thorough understanding of the anatomy of the human brain on the part of brain researchers and educators. It may be true that a complete understanding of the anatomy of this vital organ is most elusive, but studies involving it should nevertheless be backed by a reputable amount of knowledge about the details and functions of the parts of the human brain. It is an imperative.
A brain surgeon, for example, should endeavor to update himself with the latest brain research. In fact, he should labor hard to participate in research with a firm resolve to add up to the evolving knowledge in the human brain. Definitely, gobbling up on conclusions of someone else’s research is a must. But making one’s own contribution to existing knowledge of the human brain is far nobler.

The scientific community is more wanting now than ever of people who can do this. Now that the mystery of the human brain is slowly being unraveled through laser technology, studies on the human brain are discovering more and more brain parts that were previously unexplored.
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For instance, the medulla oblongata – which is the body’s center for some of the body’s involuntary functions such as blood pressure, heart rate and breathing – should warrant thorough investigation to reveal the specific sub-parts (if there are) responsible for the autonomic functions of the respiratory , cardiac and other bodily systems. It has been found also that vomiting is induced by the medulla oblongata.
If research can discover these specific parts, then medicines can be developed to target these specific parts rather than treating the medulla as a whole. It is most especially important in cases where diseases can be helped through the stimulation of the medulla oblongata’s capacity to release such and such triggers. We cannot go further than this in this example for space is limited. Rather we can go to other issues relating to this discussion of the essentiality of conducting deeper studies of the anatomy of the human brain.

Anatomy of the Human Brain
The basic fact that some medicines can prevent (or induce) the brain to send signals to the body is one of the most important discoveries of all time. Consider the discovery, manufacture and use of pain-killers. When somebody becomes badly injured in an accident, he usually receives painkillers that are prescribed by his physician.
These pain-killers (opiates and aspirin are two types) contain substances that interfere in the transfer of pain messages coming from special nerve endings to the brain. Successful interference, which can take place at the injury site, in the spinal column or in the brain itself, prevents the brain from enforcing its duty to make the injured naturally feel the pain.

According to research, there is no surety as to what part of the brain is inhibited by these painkillers from functioning. All that we have for now is this: it appears that this pain-killing process happens somewhere in the central part of the brain rather than at the peripherals where nerve endings are located. Another finding is that these painkillers reduce the production of prostaglandin which in turn reduces pain and inflammation. This process occurs every time a painting-killing medicine is ingested whether one is suffering from toothache, has a big wound right on his head or is experiencing muscular pain from too much fatigue.
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Obviously, we still have problems with painkillers. There are cases when small dosages of painkillers don’t reduce pain as desired. There are even reported cases of no effects at all. And there are side-effects to consider (usually happening when large amounts of painkillers are ingested). The challenge for research in this area is to determine the exact brain part that works in this special way. Problems like these can be alleviated, if not totally eliminated, should research would be more serious in unearthing the finest and minutest details of the anatomy of the human brain.

As of lately, there is more focus on these details in relation to psycho function of the human brain. Medical technology has been working steadfastly on the emotional coding that happens in the brain for quite some time now. This is very interesting because researches are finally identifying specific centers in the brain that are stimulated by different emotional reactions such as anger, happiness, hopes and desires.
Medical development such as this can only be promising in our desire to build a world community that is based in the understanding of every human being. If this development can be further explored, we can use this finding about the human brain to improve relations among family members, workers in the office and even among business groups that define the economies in the world.
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Add to that self-development. Powered by man’s understanding of every single part of the human brain and how these parts act in one’s understanding of self, humanity would be able to move towards unity and progress with everyone clear about who he is and what he can do to achieve the best that he can be.
This is a mighty dream but still achievable.
See what the search for deeper knowledge of the anatomy of the human brain can possibly make humanity reach heights!
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